Represent the voices of the people

Chile, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, and many more. What do they mean for Europe and what does Europe mean to them? You can find our latest visits to many interesting places in which she tries to build new and modern relationships that prove to be useful for our constituency back home and the people outside Europe. The world has a lot to teach us: from equal relationships with the African and Latin American continents to the newest economic developments that can improve the lives of all our people.

The European Parliament is a body that represents and should represent the voices of the people on and outside the European Parliament. As a supranational body in a growing destabilizing world, it is more than ever important to bring the voices of our continent to the rest of the world. More importantly: it is also crucial to take back home the voices, experiences, and insights of the people we visit. The European Parliament has the potential to prove to be a platform for bringing together the voices of people around the globe in the European context.

We must represent the voices of those who are on our continent but also on our OCTs. But the ambition is to also represent the voices of those who live outside the EU. The EU is more interwoven and globalized than ever and constructive feedback from those with who we trade, build and exchange matters as much.

Follow my missions around the world in which I meet many inspiring people, who workday and night to make our world a better place. Those in the OCTs are at the forefront of combatting climate change, and its consequences such as rising sea levels threatened ecosystems and economic losses. Stay engaged with us during our conversations at the United Nations Head Quarters in Geneva and New York, in which all the important Human Rights developments are discussed or the visits to Ghana in which we meet with inspiring, energetic and resilient entrepreneurs who try to create jobs through passion and innovation. Their energy is unmatched, which is authentic and inspiring all in one.

There are so many opportunities in which we get to meet new and interesting people. People that inspire you and open your eyes to new things and ideas. Of course, we take back these experiences home and try to turn them into good policy for every citizen, in the EU and beyond.

We meet people on the street, may it be in The Netherlands, The OCTs, or the African continent. All of it matters and make sure we stay in touch with those who work tirelessly to make a difference every day.